
Another Day at the Zoo

Gella8/11/2009 7:44:14 pm PDT

re: #201 calcajun

Buddy, there are a number of “don’t”s in life. Among them are:

Don’t wear a speedo to church
Don’t wear white after Labor Bay.
Don’t bring bacon-wrapped sausage balls to an Orthodox bar mitzvah
Don’t mix plaids and stripes.
Don’t eat chicken unless it’s cooked to 185 degrees
Don’t get involved in a land war in Asia
Don’t go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line
and Do Not bring a fire arm—anything that looks like a gun—to an event where the POTUS is speaking (not unless you want to be gang tackled by Secret Services types)

These are things you just don’t do.

correction on one, you can actually wear white after Labor day