
Jim DeMint Spells It Out: Fundamentalist Christianity Required to Be a Conservative

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/10/2010 12:37:39 pm PST

re: #201 JeffFX

I always thought “SCHIAVO” should be 50 feet high in lights in the same font used for the band KISS, and that sign should be turned on with fireworks and fanfare whenever anyone tries to tell me that Republicans are totally going to stay out of your private affairs and let you make your own decisions

I believe the so-cons when they say they’re ramming through their agenda, Terri Schiavo wasn’t a dream, that actually happened, we had an actual GOP doctor actually betraying his ethics, we saw Bush basically screech to a halt, we saw all these guys just make a horiffic mockery out of some poor guy’s end of life decision for his wife. Acquaintances of mine now WORK in that field, they’re doing hospice care, you bring up Schiavo and they just vibrate with fury about what was done to that family in the name of keeping crazies in the political game

They actually did that, and I can only assume they’ll do more of that, because, that’s what they run on, that’s what apparently gets them elected.