
Gamergate-Style Rape Threats Work, It Seems: Feminists Calling Quits

KiTA2/23/2015 1:23:37 am PST

re: #18 klys (maker of Silmarils)

There is nothing that makes me feel worse than listening to someone pretend there is no harassment at all and all women who speak out about it are lying, grifters, etc..

I’m sorry, I must have misspoken somehow but I don’t see it — can you please point to where I said there is no harassment at all?

Both sides have clearly been harassed. It’s an anonymous social media system and I’m sure all of us know that trolling comes with the territory. That doesn’t mean that GamerGate did the harassing, nor does it mean that SJWs did the harassing. Nor does it mean that GamerGate is a “hate group” or that SJWs are a group of racist, misandric attention seekers.

Nor did I say that all women who speak out about harassment are lying grifters — clearly this is not true and I’m saddened that you thought I would suggest that.

What I have said, and will continue to say, that three SPECIFIC women involved in this — Brianna Wu, Zoe Quinn, and Anita Sarkeesian — are lying grifters. Of this, there is no doubt.