
Donald Trump: "I'm Like, Really Smart. In Fact, I'm a Very Stable Genius at That!"

Blind Frog Belly White1/06/2018 11:59:49 am PST

re: #14 Blind Frog Belly White

“I am the very model of a very stable genius,
I talk in public all about my very able penius,
Pay no attention to all the required legal strict-i-ures,
And need to have my briefing books accompanied by pict-i-ures”

I wandered off while being lectured on the Constitut-i-on,
I keep repeating “They have found no ev’dence of collus-i-on”,
I offer up bad nominees that still don’t face reject-i-on,
Accuse my foes of things I’ve done in obvious project-i-on.