
Questions Remain in Reuters Photo Cropping Incidents

Targetpractice6/09/2010 12:19:31 pm PDT

Sadly, I think Reuters will get away with it, and it has a lot to do with just how bad the loonies on the Right, those who’ve perpetuated every conspiracy theory and outright lie they can about Obama, have poisoned the well. Where once the blogosphere was considered the vanguard of the New Press, that guys in pajamas were taking on and winning against the MSM, and fauxtography was a major news item, now it’s become a passing joke, easy to marginalize because all you have to do is find one post or thread about a popular “right wing lie” and paint anything that comes out of the site as similarly motivated. It’s like how nobody in the press gave much play to the radio communications tape from the Mavi Marmara , but quickly jumped on the admission that the tape had been “doctored.”