
NPR: Obama Justice Dept. Tougher on Abortion Protesters

shutdown9/01/2011 12:09:30 pm PDT

re: #20 Gus 802

It’s outrageous. This is almost straight out of Nazi Germany during the 1930s. Yes. Perhaps I’m pulling a Godwin here but that’s the way I see it. At the very least it’s extremist white supremacy talk worthy of Stormfront or a KKK meeting.

It is such a huge issue that these fuckwits co-opt legitimate science and rephrase it for their own purposes. Then, when you point out the fallacies of their argument, or provide context, they start screaming about how the “left” only supports science that fits a progressive agenda. Personally< i think that a large part of global warming is a result of the smoke these people blow out of their asses, trapping greenhouse gasses i the atmosphere.