
Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston's Death With Deluge of Hatred and Racism

Gus2/12/2012 11:04:03 am PST

Damn. It’s still like a Klan rally in there:

axmax83 - SHe couldn’t even sell issues of “the national enquirer” anymore. Everyone was tired of the TNB. Niqqer flaps her lips and screeches, niqqer becomes rich. Niqqer ends up nearly broke after spending all of her money. Niqqer in constant fights and drug binges. Niqqer ODs when she learns she’s nearly broke and she is so wasted physically she can’t make another album. Niqqer hit the end of the road, niqqer thinking and niqqer behavior led her to where she had nothing. She couldn’t face life without the “bling bling”, she knew she would never have any more “kaching kaching”

axmax83 - every ni66er that becomes rich in show business dies poor. This one didn’t even hit 50.

iyamwhatiyam - Why do guys like you go out of your way to show off your bigotry? Is it pride with you, like getting a promotion at work, or buying a new home, or car. What is it?

busterbawlz - iyam !!!

For the same reason YOU go out of your way to rush to this site and throw your race card.

The minute you heard of this girls death, you knew this would be a golden opportunity to come here and act like a niqqer.