
The Bob Cesca Show: My Shoes Fell Off

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/12/2018 7:18:14 am PST

Trump Disproves Dementia Concerns by Shouting “Wall” at a WSJ Reporter for Three Straight Hours (goes to Wonkette)

Why does the White House staff let Trump talk to reporters? If you’re going to put Poot Lips up there every afternoon to swear on a can of AquaNet that the President is the posterboy for mental health, then why let him sit down for an extended session of loonytoons word vomit with the Wall Street Journal! We know you’re all just amateurs up there, but COME ON! LORDY! THEY SHOULD JUST LET HIM WATCH TELEVISION IN HIS BATHROBE ALL DAY!
It’s been a year since that fool was sworn in, and we’ve all watched enough disaster porn to know the drill. Time for another round of Top 4,723 Batshit Insane Interview Quotes: The Not Russia Edition. Evan will fill you in on all the Russia fuckery later, so stay tuned!