
Cool Guitar Video of the Day: Joe Satriani, "Nineteen Eighty"

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS2/22/2020 5:40:56 pm PST

I remember in the runup to the 2018 elections when I had to take a vacation from this site because of all the gloom and doom about the Repugs’ certain win. I remember being called naive because I said it wasn’t so.

You don’t know who the nominee will be, you don’t know who will take the House or the Senate, and all this doom spreading is not helpful.

We have nine months. We need to be registering voters, strengthening the mechanisms for challenging voter suppression, and canvassing for local and national elections, starting in 2017. Some of us have been.

All this stewing (with no oysters) serves nothing but to depress us. IT STILL DOESN’T MATTER whether we can win or not, we have to try — and if you can’t be helpful, then you need to write all your gloomy prognostications in a private file and throw them into the bit bucket.