
Ron Paul Was Scheduled to Appear on a White Supremacist Radio Show in 2006

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin12/23/2011 9:43:23 pm PST

re: #212 Gus 802

I thought Clinton was sent from heaven. I went into the local campaign office and shook hands with the manager there and gave him a $50 check. I was so happy to see Reagan gone and this new dynamic and seemingly progressive candidate. Then we go Tipper Gore. Al Gore and his stalling and terribly leadership on the Kyoto Treaty. I didn’t pay much attention to DADT but when he signed off on DOMA. That was a huge letdown. And then there was Monica Lewinsky and the great impeachment detraction. The heckling from the pro-lifers. WACO and Ruby Ridge are there but not so much. Second term came around and I decided to stay home. I didn’t care anymore. Clinton wore me out.

Eh, he was alright. Not the best, not the worst. I never understood the Clinton cult, though I had to deal with them again in the form of the idiot PUMAs, who are STILL seething to this day about the DNC 08 lol

How many of these dumb liberal bigots have I had to deal with in life, cripes.

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