
Oh No! The Communists Are Mad at Me

klys (maker of Silmarils)8/20/2014 8:28:43 pm PDT

re: #219 WhatEVs

You may (or may not) have noticed the name change. This is how I feel today…what-fucking-ever. After watching the StL police shoot that Powell guy, I lost it completely.

After hearing the story about a knife-wielding guy rushing a cop, I didn’t give it a 2nd thought. People do dumb stuff every day. But that man was mentally disturbed, he wasn’t rushing anyone, and two cops emptied their fucking guns into him. Then handcuffed his corpse.

Seriously. WTF.

We collectively owe it to all our fellow citizens to stop this shit. It’s not me (older, white woman)…today.

I’m feeling very: First they came for… right now.

And totally feeling powerless and helpless. Hence, WhatEVs.

Fuck I’m mad.

There is a lot to be said for taking that anger and channeling it, but I think this is also a good time to remind folks to take care of themselves too.

Sometimes you really do have to check out for a little bit and cuddle a cat/spouse/child/puppy/your choice.