
He Started 45 Minutes Ago and He's Still Ranting: Trump Gloats About Escaping Justice

lawhawk2/06/2020 12:51:02 pm PST

Don’t get angry. Don’t tune out.

Get pissed. Get out and vote and make sure everyone else gets out and votes because turnout remains the key to defeating the dark forces of the GOP and Trumpworld. They remain in power because just enough people tuned out entirely or tuned in to their alternative reality bulkshit and thought it was more appealing than Clinton.

Now, we’ll watch Trump try to do to whoever the Democratic nominee is that which he did to Clinton, except he’ll have all the power of the WH and foreign interference flowing in to help.

Turnout matters. Not just in the blue states, but in the battlegrounds where turnout matters. It means supporting the down-ticket races in those states and turning out people like Collins and Gardner who are complicit treasonweasels who try to hide their cowardice but fail.