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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/25/2020 9:58:20 am PDT

Polish protests over abortion ruling take aim at churches (Radio Poland)

Some acti­vi­sts have spray-pain­ted slo­gans and hang pla­cards on exte­rior walls of a few chur­ches’ buil­dings in the Polish capi­tal, the Polish News Agency PAP has repor­ted.

Those who gathe­red in front of War­saw’s chur­ches, were hol­ding ban­ners with slo­gans such as “My body, my cho­ice,” “This is a war. Sadi­sts! We’re coming for you” and “Women’s hell is in Poland.”

Mean­while, in Poznań, western Poland, a group of pro­te­sters ente­red the Basi­lica of St. Peter and St. Paul to stage a pro­test in front of the altar, inter­rup­ting a Sun­day service.

Representatives of the Women’s Strike organization during a protest against the tightening of abortion laws in Poland at a cathedral in the western city of Poznań, October 25.

The series of pro­tests was held under the name “Word for Sun­day,” a reference to a popu­lar weekly TV show devo­ted to Bible readings, aired by public bro­ad­ca­ster TVP 2 every Satur­day after­noon.

Accor­ding to Polish law, such actions may be sub­ject to pro­se­cu­tion for offen­ding reli­gious feelings.

Sun­day marks the fourth stra­ight day of pro­tests aga­inst a ruling from Poland’s Con­sti­tu­tio­nal Tri­bu­nal on Thurs­day which heral­ded a tigh­te­ning of the coun­try’s abor­tion laws, alre­ady among the toughest in the Euro­pean Union.
