
Overnight Open Thread

Aye Pod9/26/2009 5:05:46 am PDT

re: #223 iceweasel

St Darwin, since as evolutionists and godless sexual deviants we have no one else to pray to, please watch over the following people, victims of natural selection:

wahabbicorridor: vestigial cerebrum

wrathofg-d: irritable vowel syndrome

unrealisedviewpoint: irreducible simplicity

doppleganglander: double chromosomes

garden girl - persistent vegetatable state

RIX: cannot afford his psychiatric RX

All stalkers: OCD: Obsessive Charles Disorder.

Co-morbidity diagnosis for all forms of OCD: Obsessive Charles Johnson Derangement Disorder shows a high degree of correlation with Charles Darwin Derangement Syndrome.

Now that’s what I call a Darwin prayer list iceweaselski! Just one thing though I’d like to add to it:

Jimmah’s cat - bit of a smelly ear, some flaking. Fix pls thnx.