
Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

Walter L. Newton5/27/2009 2:39:00 pm PDT

re: #161 Charles

The ads run by the DNC are not what I was talking about — I’m saying that Obama himself never deviated from a positive message during his campaign. All you’ve shown me are political advertisements, not statements from Obama himself.

This is why none of his associations or the criticisms of his past positions on issues stuck to him enough to damage his campaign — because he himself stayed composed and positive throughout, never lost his temper, and never personally attacked his opponents. And he certainly never said he wanted anyone to “fail.”

I didn’t — and don’t — support Barack Obama. My whole point is that this FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! meme is horrendously bad politics, and it achieves nothing except to further marginalize conservatives.

I agree with the “fail, fail fail” meme as being a lousy tactic, by Rush or by anyone else.

That said, you can’t separate the candidate from the party. Period. These ads mentioned above were not created and aired in a vacuum. The MSM’s negative response to everything conservative were not put forward in a vacuum.

It’s evident that his “composed and positive” public face worked to his advantage, but that doesn’t change anything about the way his supporters went full blast attack on everything that the Republicans stood for.

It’s not guilt by association, it’s guilt by everything he stands for.