
J. D. Hayworth: I Am Schtoopid

Aceofwhat?3/15/2010 12:18:26 pm PDT

re: #216 Obdicut

That’s not, in any way, scientific data. Why isn’t your interpretation that experimentation revealed to those people desires they had? There is no good scientific data showing that there is any mutability of gender preference through experimentation. None. There is a difference in behavior, but not in desire.

Ok, let’s go with your definition. The experimentation revealed desires those people already had. Fine.

If it took experimentation to reveal those desires, then it will GENERALLY be true (not universally) that the desires remained below the surface because the individual was already attracted to the opposite sex, and then found that they were also attracted to the same sex. That supports my point. Such a person is not gay, they are bisexual. I don’t care if my children find out later that they are bisexual. At least I will have done my duty to help them craft their initial identity.

“You’re doing it wrong” is not an insult.

Saying that i intend to “shame my children into being bisexual” is not disagreeing with my parenting methods. It’s just insulting, and it is not related to anything i actually said. At least have the stones to own it if you don’t wish to retract it. I can take it - i’m just not going to reply to it. we can stick to the other points.