
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

LemonJoose5/03/2009 3:32:14 pm PDT

I am all for keeping ID out of secondary school classrooms as long as there is not enough evidence to make it worthy of discussion in that setting as an alternative scientific theory. I sometimes worry though that there exists a knee-jerk scientific orthodoxy which makes it difficult career-wise for scientists in the field to ask legitimate questions about gaps or flaws in evolutionary theory without immediately being branded as having a secret religious agenda.

The intricacy and elegance of many biological systems and features is indeed amazing. Asking questions about the gaps and unexplained jumps in the evolution of these complex systems is how we will fill in our knowledge gaps with real scientific knowledge, and not simply remain content with assumptions of “unknown evolutionary process not yet explained” as a convenient, lazy way to blanket over our ignorance.