
The Arizona Gun Stunt and the Pastor of Death

iceweasel8/31/2009 4:12:43 pm PDT

re: #207 Shug

Earth Liberation Front

I’ll be happy to condemn the crazies on the left again when they’re ascendent.
Right now, it’s the crazy on the right that is out of control, and worse, being mainstreamed.
I understand the desire to support a party (sort of). And I understand that kneejerk condemnation of the ‘other side’ is a comfortable way to live, for many. And I am fully aware of Reagan’s 11th commandment, thou shalt not criticise a fellow Republican.

I cannot understand the desire to respond to the badness going on now by talking about how the left wore mean Tshirts, or carried signs, or made fun of Bush, and oh yeah what about those radical groups in the 70’s blah blah blah.

This continual attempts at deflection or minimising what’s happening are not going to fix the GOP’s little red wagon anytime soon. I should think every conservative and real Republican would be working to change their party, getting angry at the leaders who ally themselves with these freaks, and condemning the extremist rhetoric— instead of talking about how the left did worse or is worse or something.