
Elise Trouw and Scary Pockets: "Dreams" (Fleetwood Mac Funk Cover)

mmmirele8/09/2020 4:43:36 pm PDT

Weird. I retweeted some excitable boy’s Tweet about how Roger Stone was going to tell everyone how he got saved at Greg Locke’s church. Locke is known for dumping his wife for his admin assistant, going nuts about donuts and basically being an ass during COVID-19 and the person I shared this with had written a post about Locke’s crazy on her blog last week.

Someone responded to my tweet, but I discovered @RealADWhitman had blocked me.

But, when I went back to my Tweets and Replies, it’s there in living color.

I don’t get it…and I don’t know why someone would block me just for that. Oh well.