
Arctic 'Death Spiral' Leaves Climate Scientists Shocked and Worried

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/14/2013 10:02:46 am PST

re: #218 Gus

The media forgot to report that Dorner was firing lethal bullets at the cops. Get it? Lethal bullets?

No, I don’t. The main point of a bullet is to be lethal. The main point of tear gas grenades is to emit tear gas. They are also, however, incindiary. They can start fires. If the police were firing bullets that were also white hot and could start fires, then they should be called incindiary bullets even if their main purpose isn’t to start fires.

Especially in a case where, you know, the grenades may have started a fire or contributed to the starting of a fire.

Because the average person isn’t going to know that tear gas grenades are incendiary. I didn’t, before this.

There are people who are going to make a conspiracy about this, and claim that the cops set fire to the building on purpose. That those people exist doesn’t mean we should bend over backwards to try to de-emphasize that tear gas grenades can cause fires.