
Dylann Storm Roof's Website Discovered, With White Supremacist Manifesto and Photos

piratedan6/20/2015 10:50:50 am PDT

let the revisionist history begin….

This is what we get for letting those assholes in Texas dictate what gets into the textbooks I guess.

Strangely enough, I think a lot of this could be ratcheted down if there were a concerted effort by the GOP to simply acknowledge that racism exists and that they would be better served to not pander to it (if not outright inciting it). NOBODY wins if this shit keeps up and these fuckers apparently don’t believe that the folks that they are instigating would just as soon burn it all down if they are not shown that not only is their cause lost, its been lost for a 150 years.

For fucks sake, you cheer for black kids when they wear the uniform of your alma mater, professional sports team and yet, somehow, you don’t believe that they have the same rights as you and me. What kind of childish adult continues to believe in this bullshit mythos.

I also want to say, that there are LOTS of folks in the South that feel the same way, Shouting down these strident assholes is tiresome and wears you down as it seems like their rage is a bottomless well of resentment.