
Colbert: You're Not Crazy - Pandemic Paranoia Is a Real Thing

Jay C2/25/2021 10:36:26 am PST

From last thread:

re: #172 Hecuba’s daughter

She [Marjorie Taylor Greene]’s irritated that she cannot serve on committees and interrogate witnesses with the same dumb questions and speeches as Ron Johnson or Jim Jordan. She probably wonders why they allowed to be considered full members of their respective bodies when she isn’t. Which is a totally valid question.

One: the House operates on a fairly strict seniority system: freshman Reps. usually don’t get any sort of special treatment just for being loudmouthed extremists (unless, of course, the caucus leadership agrees to it).
Two: most freshman Reps. don’t make being a loudmouthed extremist (seasoned with a healthy dose of alternately whiny and arrogant self-(faux-)victimization) pretty much the sum total of their Congressional persona.