
Incurable Humanist Regina Spektor: "Loveology" [Official Lyric Video]

ckkatz6/18/2022 6:16:29 pm PDT

Yes there are some rather hard feelings between Russia and Poland.

In 2010, the then Polish President of Poland and all aboard his plane died in a crash at a Smolensk, Russia airport. There are many in Poland who believe that this was due to a Putin dirty trick.

There was also the post WW2 Russian occupation of Poland.

During WW2 Russia and Nazi Germany divided and occupied Poland. Russia arrested and murdered as much of the Polish leadership as it could get its hands on. In 1944 Stalin let the Nazis murder the Polish Free Army by not coming to their uprising in Warsaw.

(Of course the Nazi’s murdered about 20% of the Polish population during the 5 years they occupied Poland.)

And the Prussians and Russians divided up Poland in the 1790s. Poland was only freed as a result of WW1. Even then, at the end of the Russian Civil War, the Russians tried invading Poland and were defeated.