
Video: FAIR President Addresses Racism Accusations

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/29/2010 9:02:34 pm PDT

re: #17 cliffster

LVQ, I gave up on trying to have an intelligent conversation with you the last time you made accusations of me being a bad person and drew kneejerk conclusions about the points I was making. I’m sorry it’s difficult for you to think clearly on political topics, but the net-net is that I don’t discuss them with you. I will, however, continue to downding you when you say stupid shit.

Quote from Hitler:

When we examine the concept of power more closely, we see that power has three factors: First, in the numerical size of the population itself. This form of power is no longer present in Germany.

62 million people who seem to hold together are no longer a power factor in a world in which groups with 400 million are increasingly active, nations for which their population is their major tool of economic policy.

If numbers themselves are no longer a power factor, the second factor is territory. This, too, is no longer a power factor for us, even seeming laughable when one can fly across our German territory in a mere four hours. That is no longer an amount of territory that provides its own defense, as is the case with Russia. Its size alone is a means of security. If the first two sources of power, population and territory, are inadequate, there remains always the third, that which rests in the inner strength of a people. A nation can do astounding things when it carries this power in its own internal values. When, however, we examine the German people, we must to our horror see that this last power factor is no longer present.

Truly these three points that form the intrinsic strength of a people are no longer regarded in Germany. The opposite. As I have said, today one places no value on our blood, on the intrinsic value of our race, but rather apostles proclaim that it is completely irrelevant whether one is Chinese, Kaffir, or Indian. If a nation internalizes such thinking, its own values are of no use. It has renounced the protection of its values, for they too must be protected and encouraged.

That leads to what the large parties proclaim, namely to a nation that thinks internationally, follows the path of democracy, rejects struggle, and preaches pacifism. A people that has accepted these three human burdens, that has given up its racial values, preaches internationalism, that limits its great minds, and has replaced them with the majority, that is inability in all areas, rejecting the individual mind and praising human brotherhood, such a people has lost its intrinsic values.

Now read this. Understand it and stop dodging the facts.

What is white separatism? What about educability statements? What are these sorts of folks are these?

Look at the reality. Watch this video.

These folks are fucking Nazis.