
Creationist Governor Bobby Jindal Is Calling Other People "Stupid" Again

TedStriker1/25/2013 11:41:04 am PST

re: #19 Ghost of Tom Joad

Jindal is bat-shit crazier than most of them. Only difference is that his crazy is contained in a non-white wrapper and he runs his speeches through a spell-checker before he reads them.

He hates science and loathes poor people. The only reason he’s calling the GOP “stupid” is because they’ve stopped hiding their true beliefs and intentions behind thinly-veiled bullshit. Their racism, bigotry, misogyny, and stupidity has been laid bare at the feet of the American people, and it’s obviously starting to do damage to their brand.

This guy will never get anywhere nationally. I don’t think America will ever vote for a fire-breathing, bible-humping creep.

You say that, but remember how close Huckabee and Perry got.