
We Got Mail!

Desert Dog5/23/2009 8:45:26 pm PDT

re: #199 Charles

He can claim credit for those all he wants. But, I would wager that the vast majority of attendees to those events are not Ron Paul supporters, never were Ron Paul supports and will never be Ron Paul supporters.

That said, they are being tainted by too many kooks coming out of the woodwork, from John Birchers to Paulians, they have made whatever the purpose of these events moot.

What kind of event would you suggest a non-Paulian, non-JBS, non-Survivalist nutjob, regular run of the mill conservatives get involved with? It appears that there are none.

A leftist can attend an anti-american hatefest and somehow walk away untainted and even empowered for “being involved” and “not answering to the man”