
And Now, Sparks With an Ode to the Noble "Lawnmower"

mmmirele8/06/2020 8:54:41 am PDT

Right wing pastors in the rural Northwest US are using the coronavirus to push their ideologies. Featuring notorious right wingers Doug Wilson (slavery is AOK!), Chuck Baldwin (let’s mix up church & state) and others.

The conclusion from Florida State University professor Michael McVicar is chilling:

“(The) coronavirus is a gold mine,” McVicar said. “This is morbid, but every death here, every nursing home with an outbreak, every local state and municipality that struggles to manage their ICU beds, every governor who looks lost — every single aspect of that looks like the opportunity for Christian men and women to reassert order.”

To me, “reasserting order” looks like “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and a big old FUCK NO to that.