
This Grueling Election Is Over, and the Good Guys Won

EPR-radar11/06/2012 10:37:54 pm PST

re: #151 AK-47%

Please put a lit on the biile. THe AMerican people spoke clearly. We all have to accept the results or renouce our citizenship and live elsewhere.

Why not tell us in your words why you think Mitt was un unable to defeat a President who presided over such levels of unemployment and debt?

For what it is worth, it would have been very easy for the GOP to keep me as a reliable R voter. Minimal levels of competence and avoiding a total embrace of the most batshit insane elements of the party would have sufficed.

This did not happen. It has been clear for years that Movement Conservatism is a malignant cult that has taken over the Republican party. I will vote in maximum opposition to the Republican party until this state of affairs changes.

I am not alone, and this is why an incumbent president facing a weak economy won a decisive re-election victory.