
An Uprising in the Texas Legislature

simoom6/26/2013 6:19:21 am PDT

ArsTechnica Snowden chat logs (TheTrueHOOHA) ~


In the months following the 2008 election, he discussed his embrace of a return to the gold standard and his admiration of its highest-profile champion.

In his more hyperbolic moments, Snowden spoke about the fall of the dollar in near-apocalyptic terms. “It seems like the USD and GBP are both likely to go the way of the zimbabwe dollar,” he suggested in March 2009. “Especially with that cockbag bernanke deciding to magically print 1.2T more dollars.”

< User9> haha did you see ron paul at the latest bailout hearings
< User9> he brought up the gold standard
< TheTrueHOOHA> He’s so dreamy.
< User9> asked if there had been any discussion about that
< TheTrueHOOHA> Got a link?
< User9> no
< User10> Ahh gold standard.. it’ll never happen, harder to manipulate.
< TheTrueHOOHA> That’s kind of a selling point.
< User10> No it’s not
< User11> hahahahhahaah you actually like the gold standard
you dumb baby
< TheTrueHOOHA> I suppose if you’re a fan of runaway inflation and leverage schemes, that’s true.

On social security:

< TheTrueHOOHA> save money? cut this social security bullshit

< TheTrueHOOHA> Somehow, our society managed to make it hundreds of years without social security just fine
< TheTrueHOOHA> you fucking retards
< TheTrueHOOHA> Magically the world changed after the new deal, and old people became made of glass
< TheTrueHOOHA> yeah, that makes sense
< User11> wow
< User11> you are just so fucking stupid
< TheTrueHOOHA> yeah, [User11]. and you’re quite a gem
< User19> TheTrueHOOHA: and magically, life expectancy has doubled in the last 100 years.funny how that works.
< TheTrueHOOHA> [User19], you don’t think modern medicine has something to do with that? no? it’s social security? wow. I guess I missed that.
< User11> hurr wait a second, life expectancy has shot up in recent times along with the dissolution of the communal family unit in exchange for the nuclear family
< User11> gee i guess we might need to create a safety net for the sudden glut of helpless elderly????
< TheTrueHOOHA> they wouldn’t be fucking helpless if you weren’t sending them fucking checks to sit on their ass and lay in hospitals all day
< User11> you are so goddamned stupd*pid
< TheTrueHOOHA> my grandmother is eighty fucking three this year, and you know what? she still supports herself working as a goddamned hairdresser
< User11> [other user] no after all these years, i can tell when TTH is just being stupid (it’s always)
< TheTrueHOOHA> she doesn’t approve of social security, either
< User11> TheTrueHOOHA: wow i love how your one data point is all the evidence we need
< User11> i for one am convined
< TheTrueHOOHA> maybe when you grow up and actually pay taxes, you’ll understand, [User11].

On leakers:

< TheTrueHOOHA> Are they TRYING to start a war?
Jesus christ
they’re like wikileaks
< User19> they’re just reporting, dude.
< TheTrueHOOHA> They’re reporting classified shit
< User19> shrugs
< TheTrueHOOHA> about an unpopular country surrounded by enemies already engaged in a war
and about our interactions with said country regarding planning sovereignity violations of another country
you don’t put that shit in the NEWSPAPER
< User19> meh
< TheTrueHOOHA> moreover, who the fuck are the anonymous sources telling them this?
< TheTrueHOOHA> those people should be shot in the balls.

This exchange is actually quite long, I can’t fit it all. See the article for the rest.