
Who Better to Mock the Ridiculous "Flat Earth" Movement Than Lewis Black? [VIDEO]

KGxvi11/26/2018 2:19:51 pm PST

re: #224 HappyWarrior

My college history paper on Nixon written Obama’s first year I think was accurately titled the Last New Dealer. Nixon may have gotten elected opposing much of the New Deal and the New Dealers certainly didn’t see him as one of their own but I feel in practice he had more in common with them than Clinton, Carter, & Obama. Of course he had a Dem majority in Congress and Bill and Obama had Republican ones for good chunks of their terms.

Tweety’s book Kennedy & Nixon is a great read, if you haven’t read it already. The two of them were actually pretty good friends up until 1960 (or the Kennedys really were assholes and were using Nixon). There’s a bit about how Kennedy first ran for Congress as a “fighting conservative” and Nixon as a “practical liberal.”