
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

Charles Johnson8/24/2009 12:42:47 pm PDT

Look. I’ve been a supporter of harsh interrogation techniques in the aftermath of 9/11 throughout the history of this blog. Even waterboarding, although I do believe that one does fall into the category of torture.

But threatening children? Nope. That’s way too far for the government to be going.

There’s a huge difference between bombing a terrorist camp in Afghanistan and killing children because they were present, and threatening to kill the children of a man who’s helpless in your custody.

It’s not necessary. It’s debasing to the interrogators, and the country, to allow this. There are other ways that probably work better to get any information you think you’ll get by threatening someone’s children.

And the CIA, last time I looked, does indeed have the power to carry out threats like this. A threat doesn’t mean much unless it can be carried out.