
A Fantastic, Moving Short Film by Pixar Animators: "Borrowed Time"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/15/2016 7:30:48 am PDT

Bit of Japanese culture: the word “gaikokujin” (外国人)means litterally “outside country person”. So when I was in Japan I was a gaikokujin (which is the proper and polite word, the impolite is “gaijin” which is a word far too many gaikokujin use which they ought not if they want to sound intelligent. You will never hear an NHK talking head say “gaijin”.)

Anyway, I once tried to use that word here in the US, to a Japanese person (an instructor), saying that in the US they would in fact be the “gaikokujin”. Nope, I was instructed. Japanese are not “gaikokujin”. Even when they are in a different country.

Funny how we humans stick with our “in” and “out” labels.