
Olbermann: Trump's DACA Decision Is a Grim Turning Point

Chrysicat9/06/2017 2:12:45 pm PDT

(Yes, I know it was two days ago. I’ve been having another fatigue episode since before it was posted).

re: #470 HappyWarrior

The more honest ones like Coulter admit it when they talk about having a Nuremberg like citizenship law. Annie’s idea is that only people with all four grandparents born in the US can vote which would mean for me despite the fact that my first immigrant ancestor arrived here in George Washington’s time, I would be the first to be able to vote in my family as all four my mom’s grandparents were immigrants and one of my Dad’s. The GOP knows they shit the bed with minority voters. Instead of admitting error or trying to be more welcoming, they want this because they know they’re a failure of a party when Americans of all backgrounds vote.

Ironically, this would keep my vote in play while disqualifying my MAGAt father, whose own father was born to Austro-Hungarian immigrants in 1916, and whose mother was similarly born to immigrants around the same time.

Unfortunately, in the main, it’d probably have the effect that’s intended and my case would be a major outlier.