
Planned Parenthood Bomber: 'They're Killing Babies There'

Mich-again4/04/2012 9:20:00 pm PDT

re: #191 freetoken

I think you have to try to tailor the message for the audience. For the deniers who only know the talking points, it takes quick counterpoints more than scientific explanations.

- So every day we pump 100 million barrels of oil from below the surface of the earth and 7 billion people burn it. Where do you propose all the waste heat and CO2 is going if its not going into the air and oceans??

- True, there is a self correcting factor because trees will convert CO2 to Oxygen, but people are also cutting down millions of acres of forests every year so don’t rely on that for a self correcting factor.

- Those studies that say more CO2 helps plant life thrive assumes that the temperature stays the same and there is a consistent amount of rainfall. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

and my fave,

- I get it, you deny climate science because you don’t want to have to admit to your kids that you really don’t give a shit what kind of world your generation leaves them.