
Ariel Sharon's Son Calls for Genocide in Gaza

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/18/2012 10:15:30 pm PST

Other regimes have killed millions, but they had years to do it. Nobody gives two shits about Darfur or else it would stop. Israel won’t have years to kill millions of Gazans. The only way for it to do so would require nukes, and that won’t happen that close to their border. I also think that’s a Rubicon even Israel won’t cross anyway. It’s one thing to try to deter a future nuclear power, but using one in Gaza makes Israel even more vulnerable in the long run.
For erik_t, I keep saying the distinction doesn’t matter to the victims. You are the one hung up on the distinction. I keep arguing that killing even thousands of Gazans does not make Isael safer. All it does in ensure a steady supply of Hamas supporters.
The distinction of whether or not this constitutes genocide is ultimately meaningless. Did any of this handwringing mean anything to the Armenians, Jews, Chinese, Ukranians, Chinese (again), Cambodians, Rwandans, Nigerians, Sudanese, Bosnians and countless others I am leaving out? Don’t get distracted by the G word, work the problem. Israel does not have a solution to the Gaza crisis. If it doesn’t find a solution soon, somebody is going to find one for them.