
New From Olbermann: Trump Is Lying About Russia

ObserverArt11/07/2017 5:44:28 am PST

Morning. Election morning that is. Gonna hit the school where I vote in an hour or so.

So I usually watch a little of the Today Show and today they did another of those let’s check with the Trump voters to see what’s up segments. This time it was billed as One Year Later. The people (I think they are people) they found are pretty much still sticking with their vote for Trump. Some are disappointed but they still say they would vote for him in a do-over.

But the absolute most frustrating guy said basically “sure he can be an ass, but does the media have to show us he is an ass?” I think the guy worked at GE in Western Pennsylvania and said he voted for Trump because he had lost his job and Trump told the people at a rally last year there would be no more of that. 600 more people have been laid off or lost their job in the last year. He still sticks with Trump because he’s a tough guy.

A an elderly woman was shown in a clip from last year where she was overjoyed with Trump’s win. Former Democrat voter too. She warned last year that Trump needed to engage brain before opening mouth. Today she is disappointed that he still tweets and says dumb stuff…but she is sticking with her man.

What? This country has a citizen problem…not just a Trump problem. Too many idiots.

I get the feeling a lot of these people are still in the same mind state of denial that allowed them to vote for Trump and are protective of their vote. They may never say they screwed up.