
An Anti-Vaccination Doctor with a 'Troubling Record'

anchors_aweigh5/22/2009 5:09:20 pm PDT

I clicked on the link. But like most things wiki….

Serbia and Bosnia were (some would say still are) engaged in a civil war. At the time Serbia was not looking to expand beyond what they considered to be their own sovereign territory. Which is not say that at some point they might have, but in any event, Serbia (at the time) was not and is not now a military threat to NATO or the EU. Not well understood, but Clinton violated international law by bombing Serbia. By contrast, GWB had all the UN resolutions he needed to topple Iraq. Were there vital “national” European interests at stake in the Balkans? Maybe, but remember Serbia is Christian and Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are Muslim. Some would argue with you about preserving a Muslim enclave in Europe, being in Europe’s best national interests.

With regards to your point about Afghanistan. The USSR had already been relegated to the ash-heap of history. Russia was now more concerned with attracting Western capital investment rather paying back the US for Cold War grievances. Point not germane.

Concur that China is the main player with DPRK. But Russia and China provide “top-cover” for each other there. And don’t forget we accidently dropped a bomb on China’s embassy during the Balkan escapade.