
Seth Meyers Obliterates Obnoxious Chris Christie Blitz: Tries to Rehab His Image, but Won't Say if He'll Back Trump

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/18/2021 10:25:18 am PST

re: #229 Jay C

Well, considering that, for most models of self-checker, the scales in the “bagging area” seem to be calibrated to weigh items down to the molecular level, probably not much. Though I guess potential rippers-off can just revert to the classic manual backup method; i.e. just pocket stuff…

I’m definitely of two minds about self-checkout machine: on one hand, they’re handy for quickly buying a few items: OTOH, if there is anything else you have do (check coupons, do a delivery, etc.) - you still need to interact with a human. Who is usually needed to stand by to deal with problems with the self-checkers, anyway (at least at my local CVS: their machines have more bugs than Steve Bannon’s underwear)

I tried self-checkers a few times. Every time required intervention by staff, to fix something that wouldn’t scan properly, something in the bagging area that the machine accused me of not scanning, the bill clipper jamming on cash, &c.

They are not worthwhile for even one item.

The local supermarket doesn’t use them. Those in Scottsbluff and Sidney generally stand unused when I am in the store (personal observation).