
Ron Paul: Libertarian, Except When It Comes to Women's Rights

Gus4/11/2011 10:49:06 pm PDT

re: #235 Gus 802

Well, you’ll find a lot of conspiracies surrounding this. And it wasn’t that he thought it wouldn’t succeed. It’s just that the first command module was poorly built. He also hung a lemon on the simulator because they didn’t keep up with the design changes on the actual command module. Or another account

And yes it continues…

For historical sake, it should be known that American Indians would hang lemons on trees because they supposedly warded off evil sprits. The American Indians considered lemons to be an unappealing and very sour fruit. Why Gus Grissom wanted to hang a lemon over the side of his spacecraft was beyond anyone’s knowledge. Even if you know nothing about lemons warding off evil spirits, it just doesn’t seem right to hang one off the side of a spacecraft, much less anything else. It’s almost like a bad omen or a preface of horrible things to come at a later time.