
Live Video: Senate "Debates" Kavanaugh Nomination Before Final Vote

KGxvi10/05/2018 12:54:01 pm PDT

re: #218 Kilroy was here


If the Dems take Congress can they investigate the allegations against Kav?

I mean if they can get a rock solid case that he committed perjury or lied to the FBI.
This is still a federal crime right?

So, if the perjury happens in the Senate can the Lower House prosecute or hand it off to a special council? Are there options?

I know impeachment is a waste of time but even that delegitimatizes anything he touches.

The House can investigate it, for sure. But a special counsel has to be appointed by the AG (good luck), or it has to be referred to the DOJ for prosecution (again, good luck). The only thing they could really do, is impeachment.

Now, if the evidence is strong enough, the threat of impeachment might be enough to get him to resign (that happened with Fortas). But that just means Trump gets to appoint someone else, and if the Dems don’t control the Senate, it’ll be someone with more or less the same judicial make up. Or, they could impeach him, the Senate could acquit him, and he lives with the stain of being The Impeached Justice. It might not mean much, but every opinion he writes after that will be viewed with a jaundiced eye by lawyers and legal scholars.