
Tiny Desk (Home) Concert From South Korea: Coreyah

ipsos7/01/2020 7:41:54 am PDT

re: #161 Belafon

I love the contradiction and the need for a horse race spelled out in these two tweets:

[Embedded content]

Me perplexed.

Crazification factor aside, how do you end up with only 67% of poll respondents saying a man with eight years as VP and 30 in the Senate has “the right experience” to be president?

I may not have liked GHWB’s policies, but if you’d asked me in 1988 whether his 8 years as veep, Congressional experience and time as CIA director were the “right experience,” I can’t imagine I’d have said no.

Same with McCain and Dole and Kerry.

The candidates I might have said “no” on the experience question were the ones with little or no federal experience - Dubya, Reagan, Romney. Arguably Carter and Bill Clinton, too.

Obama didn’t have the experience on paper, but his innate skills and life experiences were so exceptional that he transcended the usual ways of thinking.