
Video: White Supremacists at Pro-Trump Conference in Washington DC Give Nazi Salutes and Shout "Hail Trump!"

BeachDem11/21/2016 5:56:45 pm PST

re: #216 Nyet

I’m not going to search around various sites about this specific topic, but reporting on Trump?
Let’s see, off the top of my head:

1. Trump’s tax returns revealed by the NYT.
2. Trump’s tape revealed by WaPo.
3. Trump’s Russian ties written about extensively by Eichenwald at Newsweek.

All American media. Funny, that.

1. Tax returns revealed by the NYT because somebody mailed them to a reporter, NOT because the NYT was hot on the case.

2. Tape revealed by WaPo, after NBC and Access Hollywood sat on it for weeks, as they passed it back and forth like a hot potato. (Props to Fahrenthold—he’s a good one—no argument)

3. Serious props to Eichenwald, who also explored other Trump failings in depth—but shame on the rest of the media for letting those stories die without digging deeper.

Just look at this past week—the fucking Hamilton non-story (or minor story) has been covered non-stop for three days, pushing the Trump U. settlement story, the meetings with Indian partners story, the what was Ivanka doing at the meeting with the Japanese story, the holding a marketing event for foreign diplomats at the DC hotel story, etc. to “below-the-fold” or totally ignoring them.