
Seth Meyers on Trump's Unhinged Attacks on Mueller and McCabe, and the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica Scandal

bratwurst3/20/2018 7:22:25 pm PDT

re: #232 Maddies Mom

Are you serious?????!!!!!! I’m Illinois too, I voted Biss but would crawl through broken glass to get rid of Rauner. I can’t even believe you would say that after what happened in 2016. Please tell me you’re kidding? Please?

Couldn’t we have found a rich guy to buy the nomination who WASN’T asshole buddies with convicted felon Blagojevich and DOESN’T have money stashed away from the tax man in the dodgiest types of overseas accounts imaginable?

I greatly dislike Rauner, but I think you are being somewhat unfair in trying to compare this with the 2016 general election.

I will make you this promise: I’ll keep an open mind and perhaps J.B. can win my vote. Any more blatant lies about the age and nature of his offshore tax shelters is going to make that very hard though.