
Seth Meyers: Trump's Deranged, Rambling Phone Interview With Sean Hannity [VIDEO]

Dr. Matt6/21/2019 9:02:10 am PDT

Chris Wallace casts doubt on Trump’s excuse for stopping Iran attack at the last minute

“What did you make when you learned this morning via tweet from the president that he did confirm that he called off those strikes when they learned of the casualties?” Smith asked.

“I have to say, I think it raises many questions,” Wallace explained. “First of all, we know there was a big National Security Council meeting with the president yesterday where they discussed all of this, and usually the Pentagon is very sophisticated in being able say, ‘here are various target packages, here’s what we would hit, here’s what the collateral damage would be.’ And any discussion of what collateral damage in terms of the debts on the ground would be is discussed at that point before the president gives a new order as to what various targets he wants to hit.”

So the idea that 10 minutes before the strike the president says ‘how many people are going to be killed if we go ahead with those strikes?’ that usually is discussed in depth a great deal before that — hours before that, which raises the question: this is a president who on the one hand talks very tough and has ordered strikes in the past, missile attacks against Syria for the use of chemical weapons but has also made it clear in that photo op yesterday that he does not want to get the U.S. more deeply involved in endless wars,” he continued.