
Auto Industry Bankruptcy Watch

lawhawk5/28/2009 1:25:22 pm PDT

re: #213 OldLineTexan

You could do that with mass transit too. A hybrid bus in NYC gets a whopping… 3.2mpg compared with 2.8 for the standard drivetrain.

With 40 people, the pmpg jumps tremendously to 128 pmpg on the hybrid.

However, most buses don’t run at full capacity, so their pmpg is far less than that.

My 2005 Corolla gets 30 mpg in mixed driving. It 60 pmpg when the Mrs is with me. If I have two other friends in the car, I’m getting that same 120 pmpg.

But, when those buses are riding around with just the driver, the mileage is so much worse than my Corolla. The same goes for diesel trains, which do well when fully loaded, but not so much when they’re underutilized.