
What Would You Ask About Health Care?

zombie8/11/2009 4:15:35 pm PDT

re: #215 Racer X

In CA, the “doctor” is writing you a prescription for medical marijuana the second you walk through the door. The “exam” comes afterwards, and lasts about 3 seconds.

I saw a hilarious/infuriating mini-documentary about the “conditions” people had who were going in and out of the pot clinics. It was patently obvious that most of them were malingerers, and nothing was really wrong with them (aside from the typical aches and pains of normal human existence). So, so many had “insomnia” and “pain,” for which there is no rigorous test, and which the doctors accept entirely on the patient’s self-reporting. Some even gleefully admitted this, and were just legalization activists using the prescription system to get free pot for their own enjoyment. Only a few handful of the people had actual real provable medical conditions which might merit such a prescription (i.e. AIDS patient with low appetite due to chemotherapy, etc.). But of course — those few are the ones focused on by the media.