
Human-Toad Hybrid Dick Morris Dropped by Fox

Targetpractice2/06/2013 7:39:04 am PST

re: #236 Mattand

That’s what kills me about “moderate” Republicans, particularly the ones who post here. They know that the party is being run by radicals, and they just don’t care.

By supporting the Republicans as they stand now, one basically is endorsing a rejection of both reality and compromise. Yet the “moderates” just shrug their shoulders and go “Eh, what ya gonna do?”

Eh, they’re in two camps, at least from where I’m sitting. One camp is the “My team, right or wrong” variety, who will vote Republican and support Republicans under any circumstances. The other is the idealists/dreamers who think that there is some future turning point at which the GOP will have its “come to Jesus” moment and embrace moderation once again.