
New From Joe Bonamassa: "Evil Mama"

Blind Frog Belly White8/19/2018 11:08:47 pm PDT

A friend on FB posted something from Amy Wax, a professor at Penn Law School. Itā€™s the usual self pity of the Conservative who finds people object to her noxious opinions.

Without diving deeper into the whole controversy, which I spent an hour or more doing myself, her basic idea was that life was better in the 1950s, and itā€™s all fucked up since, and if weā€™d only return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, Everything Would Be Better.

Leaving aside that the woman herself seems to be quite a piece of work, my question is this: If the 1950s were so damn great, why did the children of the 1950s so roundly reject the ā€œBourgeois Cultureā€?