
Who does the work in America?

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2011 2:31:12 pm PDT

re: #22 Bob Levin

I’m not saying give them tax breaks. If you’re saying that these folks aren’t doing their jobs, I won’t argue. It’s a matter of getting capital and ideas moving together to create what we need. We being the world.

I need to get this clear—are you talking about solving the world economic problems, or are you talking about the Kochs and the Diet Kochs as being the villains in all of this?

Well the Kochs and Diet Kochs are certainly major villains and they and their ilk have certainly created or at least helped to create through their manipulations, the larger problems that you are addressing through bought politicians and astroturfed political movements.

Mostly though, my target is the GOP apologia for teh “rightness” of trickle down economics which simply is not true and supports [people who do comparatively little for a society they care nothing about in any case.