
Agudath Israel statement on same-sex marriage

Cosmic X5/10/2012 11:28:55 pm PDT

re: #14 Bob Levin

So what is the Torah talking about when discussing the group of forbidden relationships? They are never read individually, always as a group. And then, what is the Torah talking about by saying that these relationships matter a great deal, to people who are even unaware that these things are happening? Have you ever had a discussion that has taken this path, with these questions?

Good questions, Bob.

God created us with different impulses and desires. The Torah is telling us how to channel these impulses and desires in a positive fashion. Not only that, by limiting these desires, one develops self control. A person becomes the master of his desires and not the other way around. How many times have we seen people who have been consumed by their own passions?

A person may say, “Why should I care what two consenting adults do? If a guy wants to have intercourse with his sister, that’s their business.” The Torah tells us that we do not live in a vacuum. The good deeds that I do uplift the entire world, while my transgressions bring the whole world down.